Authoring Unstructured FrameMaker Content

Everything you need to create, edit, and publish excellent content in FrameMaker

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Watch this video to hear how this course fits in with both my free Intro course and the Template Design Workshop

Your Instructor

Matt Sullivan
Matt Sullivan

Matt Sullivan has been guiding organizations large and small through the process of template-based workflows for over twenty years. He consistently provides a 30% or more reduction in time spent on documentation, while at the same time improving the consistency, branding, and organization of the content.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Get started now!

Thanks for taking a look at my Creating Content course. This is hands-down the best way to learn how to create and edit content FrameMaker content.

In this course you'll find more content than in any other live or online class at any price. I should know, because I've taught folks all over the world to use FrameMaker since the 1990s.

If you're interested in perfecting the formatting and publishing of your content, take a look at my Formatting and Templates for Unstructured FrameMaker Content.


Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
Your course access starts as soon as you register, and continues for 45 days, giving you plenty of time to complete the course. Lessons are available 24/7, allowing you to decide when you start and when you finish. If you want to get up to speed quickly, expect 2-3 days to fully complete the lessons.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I never want you to be unhappy! If you do the work and don't feel completely prepared to create and edit content in FrameMaker, I will work with you to get you up to speed or refund your course fee, at your discretion. If you think this course could be better in any way, please let me know at any time so I can address your concerns. As the product evolves, I regularly add lessons to this course to address new features and to include higher level topics that explain solutions I've developed for my clients.
I want a live experience. What are my options?
You have two options for live training: (1.) The "Course+Class" option, which includes two Deep Dive sessions to allow for hours of live interaction and screen sharing (2.) You can contact me directly for live online and live in-person group training rates and availability
Is there a free version of the course?
Check out my free Introduction to FrameMaker course, graciously sponsored by Adobe.
I need to get up to speed quickly. Is this course right for me?
All the content that makes up my "traditional" 2-day FrameMaker course is marked as CORE in the lessons. If you're in a hurry to get going, you can easily move through the CORE lessons in two days or less. But don't be surprised if you also want to access lots of the topics marked OPTIONAL and TARGETED, so you may want to budget extra time for the more specialized content.